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Our park is a special place that is made up of natural, constructed and managed features. However, sometimes these environments and features need help to be looked after. Throughout this unit you will look at different features and design an object that you believe will protect one of those features in our park.

Your Mission

Design Technologies:

Use personal prefernces to evaluate the success of design ideas, processes and soultions, including their care for the environment (ACTDEP008)

Explore charateristics and properties of material and components that are used to design solutions (ACTIDEK004)


Everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways (ACSSU018)

People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022)

Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS029)

This task also aligns to aspects of ACARA's general capablities and cross-curriculum priorities. 

You are to design a protective object for a feature within the environment at the local park. Work through the investigations to help you make informed choices.

Want to know more? Find your task sheet below......

ACARA Content Descriptors Year 1
Your Mission

You are here! On this page you will discover your mission to help save our park by designing an object that helps save one of the features.

The Environment

This page will lead you through discovering what a natural, managed and constructed feature of a place are. You will use this information to help you make choices on what you would like to design your object for.

This page will lead you through scientfic investigations that will help you make decisions on what type of materials to use to make your object out of and what type of physical changes you could make to the material to make your object function better.


On this page you will take the information that you have build up to create your object to help look after one of the feautres of our park. In this page you will find your task sheet. Don't forget we will be loading pictures of your object on our class blog!

Create your object
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